dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Eager to buy MK flats

So, what the hell these days.....
I'm already 2 weeks passionate about these flats.
These flats that almost make me forget about my first love in life. High heels....
Tomorrow it's the big day!!!!Jeeejjjjjj, I finally can get my hands on the Micheal Kors Venus Phyton Flats.
Can't wait till tomorrow. It's like a little kid counting down for Christmas.

zaterdag 6 maart 2010

First post ever :D

Hi guys,

This is my first tag of my "Today's Food and Fashion Blog".
I'm so excited!!!!
I prosponded to make a blog already for ages.

I hope I will post often so I can keep you guys updated!

But...Firstly, create some followers first hihihihihi

love, peace and tea
